Door to Door Solicitations
One of our biggest complaints in the neighborhoods is about the Door-to-Door solicitors. Here is what we can and cannot do to limit the solicitation as well as your and their legal rights.
"NO SOLICITING" Signs on the neighborhood entrance: These have NO legal bearing. They are just a request from the neighborhood to any businesses. We recommend that you put a "NO SOLICITING" sign on your door as well, as most (but not all) sales people will not knock if they think it is wasting their time. (There are many reasonable priced sign options on Amazon.)
Every business and sales person going door to door in the state of Delaware MUST be registered with the state and MUST wear their state issued permit at all times. The ID should have their name, employer’s name, phone number, address, issue date, and license number on it. Company ID's do not count as identification for this purpose. They can only be out between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m.
Church groups and non-profit organizations (e.g. Girl Scouts, school groups, etc.) are EXEMPT from this permit. Otherwise, all door-to-door business sales people must display this permit at all times.
Each business must be registered with the state as well as each sales rep. You can check their credentials to make sure that they are registered and not scammers on the state's website here:
These names will be updated throughout the year. In addition, the names of all current State of Delaware business licensees are also found on this site.
The sales people have the right to knock on your door, this is protected by the US Constitution, however, once you ask them to leave, they must leave. Remember that they are just people doing their job and as long as they are being respectful, should be treated with respect as well.
If you find that any of the sales people are without permit, or are not leaving when asked,call the NCC Police NON-Emergency line at 302-573-2800.
Auto Break-ins
ALWAYS make sure your vehicle doors are locked and no valuables are left inside.
Do not leave a garage door opener in a vehicle parked on the street or in your driveway. Keep the spare openers in a basket on the wall inside of the garage. Pick it up as you open the door to get to your car and put it back when you return. This would ensure that no one will ever get their hands on an automatic device that would enable them to enter your home when you aren't there.
Snow Removal
When snowfall is predicted please remember to keep your vehicles off the streets. Use your garage and drive way. Any cars on the street may suffer the danger of being plowed in.
Also if there is significant accumulation, be mindful to clear the area around your furnace exhaust pipes. The fumes can be deadly if they return into your home.
Water Supply Leaks
One can identify where there is a leak and the size of the leak simply by recording the meter readings before and after a two-hour period when no water is used. No change in the reading indicates there is no leak, while a changed reading indicates water is leaking. The amount of the leak is the change in the reading divided by two hours (gallons per hour).
If there is a visible leak, the magnitude can be determined by collecting one gallon of water and measuring the time it takes to collect it.
To check for a defective meter, close the shutoff valve where the leak is occurring and repeat the two hour leak test.
The meter is functioning properly if the original leak value is reduced by the visible leak rate.
If the new meter leak rate, however, is zero or near zero, the meter is defective. If so, request a new calibrated meter equipped with a leak detector.
To locate hidden leaks, look for leaks under sinks, behind toilets, around shower heads and in the basement.
Water stained walls or ceilings, warped or wet floors, mold growth or short-circuited ceiling fixtures can point to hidden leak sources.
Follow the leak detection plan described above, and if an enormous “leak” is not detected, request a new calibrated meter equipped with a leak detection device.
The water company should provide assistance and advice.
Storm Drains
Please do not throw ANYTHING in the Storm Drains (street gutters) or the actual storm pond located at the beginning of Nonantum Mills!
We have a resident volunteer that cleans the Storm Water Management System on a monthly basis. He has found garbage, dog waste bags, diapers and other things that aren't appropriate to mention in the storm water pond. These items get caught in the screen covering the drain and will cause the area to FLOOD if not removed. This system is very costly to maintain and those few inconsiderate neighbors make it necessary for someone clean it out monthly. If it weren't for this VOLUNTEER we would have to hire a professional, resulting in increased dues.